Hello, My name is Ach Zet Zaeni and I am an experienced photographer

Photography is the art of our personal story, a timeline of our lives filled with faces and places that we love which we can share with others. The hundreds of inspiring images come together to form a narrative of our lives. Photography is all self-expression and relating an conception to an vigor or message. A photo bounce have a huge impact on name and that’s precisely what we try for. Without photography our world would become very dull, pale, imagination less and very deprived of self-expression. Travelling and photography can see detail about Life, Human and World. And we can see about differences, the fact that we are not same, we are unique. And then we understanding that we are  "nothing" on earth.

The philosophy of photograpy

The philosophy of photography is a set of beliefs, values, and tenants surrounding the art or practice of taking and processing photographs. Art is a process, as is a practice. So we have photography as the process of taking and processing photographs. Hence, The philosophy of photography is a set of beliefs, values, tenants, and ideas surrounding the process of taking and processing photographs. Beliefs, values, tenants, and ideas about photography don't exist in isolation from other beliefs, values, tenants, and ideas about everything else. A process is an activity, involves doing where doing involves our whole being. So a philosophy of photography is constituted by everything.

That may relate to how to construe a Philosophy of Photography. Photos are of a moment in time (at least). Framing applies limits, negation, and perspective. What constitutes the Philosophy of something like Art or Photography or Motorcycle Maintenance is the application of greater ideas to a more specific discipline, process, and set of things (like photos) OR the formation of greater ideas emanating from considering some of the specifics of, for example, photography.